Friday, January 30, 2009

What happened to Bud Bowl?

This weekend it will be nice to take a break from inventing and take part in the biggest American holiday of the year: Super Bowl Sunday! I've never understood all the hype about the Super Bowl. But at the same time it's the biggest day for guacamole consumption each year, so I'm not complaining.

There is one sad aspect to the Super Bowl. What ever happened to the real game: the Bud Bowl? For eight illustrious years, the Bud Bowl was the pinnacle of American sports. Bud Light versus Budweiser, battling it out for all the glory. And then suddenly it disappeared. I've never understood what happened. The games were generally closer and more exciting than the Super Bowl.

I hope it comes back soon. But if it does, don't make the mistake I used to make and bet on Bud Light. They had a 2-6 record in the Bud Bowl, which lost me more money than I'd like to admit.